613-727-1397 info@zim.biz


Zim Corporation

NuvoBio Corporation

NuvoBio is a wholly owned subsidiary of Zim Corporation focused on developing intellectual property and advancing research and development in the areas of new synthetic drugs and Immunotherapies.

Through strategic partnerships and global exclusive licensing agreements with leading drug research institutes and companies, NuvoBio is currently funding research & development projects in key areas including:

  • Implementing unique molecular interaction & analytics using supercomputing technologies to design small peptide drugs that bind to target proteins for cancer therapies and;
  • The development of new and exciting Bi-Specific Immunology therapies for the treatment of kidney cancer


performance spherical metal powders engineered for Additive Manufacturing (commonly referred to as ‘AM’ or ‘3D Printing’) and Metal Spray Coatings (in particular, ‘Thermal Spray’ and ‘Cold Spray’) applications, with a primary focus on the aerospace industry.

Equispheres’ patent-pending atomization technology produces free-flowing, uniform, monograin, agglomerate-free spherical metal powders, which bring superior control and performance efficiencies not currently available. The Company’s innovative, proprietary technology holds the potential to advance spherical metal powders to the next level of industrial and commercial development. www.equispheres.com

Board of Directors

Jim Stechyson – Chairman

Dr. Michael Cowpland – CEO Zim Corporation

Don Gibbs – CFO AirIQ, Chairman Audit Committee

Steve Houck – CEO, GridTree Inc


Using plant derived cellulose to create a variety of scaffold architectures, Spiderwort is developing novel biomaterial that will offer new avenues in regenerative medicine. Currently, in the pre-clinical stage, the product is showing promising results demonstrating that this new biomaterial is highly biocompatible and induces angiogenesis (blood vessel generation inside the scaffold). www.spiderwortbio.com

For more information:

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Tel: 613-727-1397